Category: XBIOS

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Atari ST 3D Graphics Programming Concepts and Techniques
For programmers interested in 3D graphics. 2D/3D transformations, hidden lines and surfaces, data structures for 3D objects, object animation, spatial projection, screen manipulation, rotation of obje
Atari ST Internals
3rd ed. by K. Gerits L. Englisch R. Bruckmann
If you're Atari ST coder, this is absolutely must read. Every Atari ST subsystem is described on hardware and software level. Book contains also BIOS/GE
ATI Radeon programming with XBIOS
Following article explains how to access ATI Radeon hardware accelerated functions via XBIOS calls and create double buffered screen output as in little demonstration I have posted some time ago. It a
Modern Atari System Software - A Programmers Guide
by HiSoft 1993. Very nice reference manual for newer Atari machines like Falcon030. It covers all the major subsystems found in m68k Atari machines, object file formats (DRI/GST), guidelines for devel