Category: C / C++

C / C++ language
C / C++
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A Hitchhikers guide to BIOS
Everything about Atari ST BIOS calls. Official documentation dated 1985.
Atari Compendium (HYP format)
Definitive Atari 16/32 bit computers documentation (besides Profibuch). It's in english. Every subsystem found in Atari computers is well explained, some things are little outdated, about MiNT for exa
Atari Compendium 1st revision (HTML format)
Definitive Atari 16/32 bit computers documentation (besides Profibuch). It's in english. Every subsystem found in Atari computers is well explained, some things are little outdated, about MiNT for exa
Atari ST Basic to C
by Abacus. For everyone who would like to make transition from ST basic to C language.
Atari ST GEM's Programmer Reference By Abacus/Data Becker
The complete guide to programming the ST using the Graphics Environment Manager. Second printing, March 1986. Scan by uicr0Bee.
Atari ST Internals
3rd ed. by K. Gerits L. Englisch R. Bruckmann
If you're Atari ST coder, this is absolutely must read. Every Atari ST subsystem is described on hardware and software level. Book contains also BIOS/GE
ATI Radeon double-buffering with xbios example
Source code demonstrating double buffering with ATI Radeon hardware accelerated functions. (works only on Falcon030,CT60,CTPCI with latest beta drivers, not yet available publicly).
ATI Radeon programming with XBIOS
Following article explains how to access ATI Radeon hardware accelerated functions via XBIOS calls and create double buffered screen output as in little demonstration I have posted some time ago. It a
Cream's Jam API, a missing manual
Following article describes [|Cream|_blank]'s Jam plugin API from the programmer perspective.

Creating TOS binaries with CMake and cross compiler
Creating TOS binaries with gcc cross-compiler and SCONS
scons, m68k-atari-mint-gcc, c, c++, m68k, cross compilation, makefiles, atari, ST, STe, Atari Falcon030, Atari TT
Cross compiling and setting up of Cygwin and gcc 4.x.x under Windows XP
__note:__ The Cygwin installation part is little outdated, because there is windows installer which set's up everything.
SDL compilation and installation procedure should work under Linux too. You ha
Debugging TOS binaries created by GNU gcc
How to use VASM m68k assembly code within GCC C/C++ programs
Article explains how to use VASM m68k compiler with modern gcc (4.x) C/C++ compiler. It lists several use-case scenarios and general troubleshooting instructions for linking errors.
ICTARI list of magazine issues
Archive contains all issues from 1st to 52. Alot of useful informations for Atari programmers. (C/m68k assembler/GFA-basic). Contains some utilities, but some can be outdated a little. Full list of articles can be found on wiki pages (see: Wiki pages).
file gallery
Incorporating m68k assembly code (GNU GAS) in GCC C/C++ programs
Article explains how to use m68k GAS(GNU Assembler) in C/C++ programs. It also covers inline assembly.
Jam plugin C API
Example demonstrating usage of Jam plugins (used in Atari Jam player) in your own demos and programs. Full C api is provided. Archive contains also custom file i/o, memory and machine detection functi
Learning C on The Atari ST
Modern Atari System Software - A Programmers Guide
by HiSoft 1993. Very nice reference manual for newer Atari machines like Falcon030. It covers all the major subsystems found in m68k Atari machines, object file formats (DRI/GST), guidelines for devel
Native coding tools
Persistence Of Vision Atari ST source code CD
Persistence Of Vision

This CD (packed iso image) contains virtually all the Persistence Of Vision menus, utilities and demos.

Where possible all source code has been included. For each menu, the MSA file has been included as well as the ST file ready for use with PaCifiST.

Adr - Adrenalin UK stuff
Dcx - Dcx compression software - POV development system for Atari computers
Falcon - Demos and applications for Atari Falcon 030
Link - Brown Beer Development Link filer code
Misc - Misc source code, etc.
Music - Loads of unused music.
Other.pov - Recodes, intros, source codes for other demos, etc.
Pe - Pure Energy menus coded by POV
pov - Persistence Of Vision menu and demo source code + exe
Reference - Text files
utils - Pacifist, st-zip, lha, ghostlink, msa2.3, fastbasic

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Reducing size of executables produced by gcc
Article explains how to remove libc/libc++ dependencies in m68k gcc compiler. It reduces binary size dramatically. For example the smallest 'Hello world' linked against libc takes ~55kb, which is alot
Setting up VASM for cross compilation (Cygwin/Linux)
This article describes process of compilation and installation of VASM m68k crossassembler under Cygwin/Linux environment. The procedure should also work under FreeMiNT if you have proper tools and ca