Category: Atari 16/32 bit

Atari 16/32 bit
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Modern Atari System Software - A Programmers Guide
by HiSoft 1993. Very nice reference manual for newer Atari machines like Falcon030. It covers all the major subsystems found in m68k Atari machines, object file formats (DRI/GST), guidelines for devel
User's manual for DSP56001 which is used in Atari Falcon030.
Nie bój się bitplanów czyli obrazek oczami komputerów cz. I, cz. II
excerpt from "Atari magazyn", in polish, description of ST screen organization with some source code in GFA basic
Persistence Of Vision Atari ST source code CD
Persistence Of Vision

This CD (packed iso image) contains virtually all the Persistence Of Vision menus, utilities and demos.

Where possible all source code has been included. For each menu, the MSA file has been included as well as the ST file ready for use with PaCifiST.

Adr - Adrenalin UK stuff
Dcx - Dcx compression software - POV development system for Atari computers
Falcon - Demos and applications for Atari Falcon 030
Link - Brown Beer Development Link filer code
Misc - Misc source code, etc.
Music - Loads of unused music.
Other.pov - Recodes, intros, source codes for other demos, etc.
Pe - Pure Energy menus coded by POV
pov - Persistence Of Vision menu and demo source code + exe
Reference - Text files
utils - Pacifist, st-zip, lha, ghostlink, msa2.3, fastbasic

file gallery
Programming Advanced ST graphics
Sprites, pixel plotting, scrolling, palette changes, screen buffering(taken from ST World issue 36)
Programming Advanced ST graphics pt. 2
horizontal scrolling, clipped sprites, sprite boundary checking (taken from ST World issue 37)
Programming Advanced ST graphics pt. 3
Line drawing, line clipping, mouse handling (taken from ST World Issue 38)
Programming Advanced ST graphics pt. 4
polygon clipping, polygon drawing, polygon filling(taken from ST World Issue 39)
Programming Advanced ST graphics pt. 5
trigonometry, 3d transformations, lookup tables (taken from ST World Issue 40)
Programming Advanced ST graphics pt. 6
perspective, animation, multi-faceted objects (taken from ST World Issue 41)
Programming Advanced ST graphics pt. 7
putting together programs in general (taken from ST World Issue 42)
Reducing size of executables produced by gcc
Article explains how to remove libc/libc++ dependencies in m68k gcc compiler. It reduces binary size dramatically. For example the smallest 'Hello world' linked against libc takes ~55kb, which is alot
S.A.L.A.D. Still Another Line A document
Description of Line A api for simple graphics operations. Line A is available in all TOS versions, but it's use is discouraged.
U.L.S. (Universal Loading System)
U.L.S. (Universal Loading System)
U.L.S. (Universal Loading System) is a means by which Atari ST applications can request disk access, or system function calls when TOS is not available, as is the case with most games and demos, and therefore run from any media (Including Hard Disks). Late in 2005 D-Bug released the first few ULS patched games, and then the system went into a bit of a slumber as we continued with Falcon patching. In August 2008, the ULS code was completely re-written from the ground up, adding new functionality, using less memory, running quicker, with more stability and making it much easier to implement.

It is hoped that the release of this code will kick-start the ST hard disk adaption scene, in much the same way WHDLoad has done for the Amiga. Indeed, ULS can perform many of the functions of WHDLoad, and offer serveral exciting new ones that were previously only seem in emulators!
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U.L.S. debug screen
ULSv3.12j Source Code
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