
File Galleries

NameAtari Compendium (HYP format)
DescriptionDefinitive Atari 16/32 bit computers documentation (besides Profibuch). It's in english. Every subsystem found in Atari computers is well explained, some things are little outdated, about MiNT for example. It covers Falcon which is omitted in Profibuch. Package contains also system bindings for Lattice C and Pure C and example source codes from the book in txt files.
This version is in hyp format so you can view it on any Atari with ST-GUIDE accessory or HypView.
You can also view it online:
Highly recommended!
Size825.72 KB
Created / UploadedSaturday January 8, 2011
CreatorScott D. Sanders
SourceNo scheduled processing

Read-only metadata extracted from the file. Only basic metadata processed for this file type.
File Data
File Size
842267   bytes
File Type
Character Set
Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract